Visiting our private dentist during pregnancy


It is extremely important that you keep up to date with, not only your hospital appointments, but also your dental appointments throughout the course of your pregnancy. A lot changes throughout your pregnancy journey, with one of the most significant changes being the balance of your hormones which can have an effect on multiple factors such as your weight, mood and dental health. Visiting our private dentist in Sheffield during your pregnancy can ensure your oral hygiene remains at its best and that any possible dental issues can be prevented or treated.

What happens to your teeth during pregnancy?

When you become pregnant, your body becomes more vulnerable to harm caused by bacteria and plaque. These can cause your gums to become tender, increasing your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. Changes in your hormone levels can have a negative effect on how well your body reacts to infections, making it more difficult for your body to fight them off, which gives way to bacterial infections to progress and become more severe. Fortunately, at S10 Dental, our private dentist in Sheffield can see you at any point in your pregnancy and inform you of the best preventive care measures that you can take to ensure your teeth remain healthy and disease-free during your pregnancy.

The importance of visiting your dentist during your pregnancy

It is important to notify our private dentist in Sheffield as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Our dentist can carry out urgent procedures throughout your pregnancy, however any elective treatments you wish to have must first be approved by your obstetrician or be delayed until after you have given birth. It is essential you keep up to date with your dental appointments as you are at an increased risk of developing oral diseases such as gingivitis, tender and bleeding gums, and periodontal disease. Pregnancy can also make existing oral issues or diseases worse, so by regularly visiting our dentist you can avoid matters getting more severe and affecting you and your unborn child.

How to take care of your teeth during pregnancy

It is especially important to look after your teeth during pregnancy as you are more susceptible to tooth decay and periodontitis. Ways in which you can look after your teeth at home mean maintaining good oral hygiene; this can include making sure to brush twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and then rinsing with a fluoride rinse. As you may be craving more sugary snacks and drinks at this time, it is specifically important to brush your teeth after snacks so that the bacteria in your mouth does not react with sugar and starch residue to produce harmful acids that can contribute to tooth decay. It is also encouraged to try and maintain a healthy diet and limit the amount of sugar you eat or drink, but we appreciate that this may be difficult during your pregnancy and so recommend having regular dental check-ups or appointments with your hygienist.

What is hyperemesis gravidarum and how can it affect teeth?

Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe form of pregnancy sickness that some women unfortunately develop early into their pregnancy journey. It can sometimes last the entirety of your pregnancy which can also take a toll on your teeth. Constantly vomiting will expose your teeth to harmful stomach acids which can erode your tooth enamel and sometimes unfortunately cause tooth loss. If you suffer with hyperemesis gravidarum you may find it difficult to brush your teeth without being sick, so it is important to contact your dentist who can advise you on the best course of action to take to ensure your teeth remain intact and healthy.